Pinterest may seem like just another website where people can go to show off their interests through photos, but it’s becoming a powerful marketing tool. Recently, Pinterest revealed a Guided Search feature that allows users to search for posts on everything from decorating ideas to dinner meals. In turn, the website has made it easier for users to search for brands as well, boosting its appeal to marketers.
Here are four of the benefits to using Pinterest for marketing purposes, which may change you from a skeptic to a believer:
1. Pinterest can be effective for products.
If your company is into the business of selling products, there’s no better way to give people insight into your offerings than through photos. Because Pinterest is a photo-based website, you automatically have an advantage. You can post pictures of your latest products or people using them to draw interest.
2. Pinterest acts as a social network.
While it might seem like Pinterest is only a place to host pictures, it has the social networking capabilities of other sites on the Web. For instance, you can use hashtags, make comments and share posts on Pinterest, just as you do on sites like Facebook. Through these features, you can interact with your target audience, which is beneficial to your marketing efforts.
3. You can drive traffic elsewhere.
When you post a photo to Pinterest, you can redirect viewers to another website – take your company site or blog, for instance. In turn, the redirect can give you some much-needed traffic. If you’re looking for a new, budget-friendly way to drive interest in your company, don’t forget about these features on Pinterest.
4. You can make your business more human.
Many companies struggle to make their businesses more human to their audience. In turn, this may make it more challenging to prospect, nurture leads and close sales. If you want to show people that you’re more than just a company, turn to social networking sites like Pinterest. The casual environment gives you the opportunity to show another side of your company – one that provides that there are people, not robots, behind every customer interaction.
As you look for new social networking platforms to enhance your Pinterest marketing strategy, don’t rule out Pinterest. Even if you don’t see the potential, trying it out may yield positive results. In the end, generating an impact will be as simple as taking a photo.

4 Ways Pinterest Can Enhance Your Marketing Strategy
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